Shambhala Prophecy, Rainbow Prophecy and the Fifth World

Описание к видео Shambhala Prophecy, Rainbow Prophecy and the Fifth World - Did you know about the Shambhala prophecy, or about Rainbow Warriors helping to usher in a new Golden Age? With some people sensing we are living in world-changing times, it seems the perfect time to reflect on past Earth changes, and interesting prophecies predicting a Golden Age, ushered in by Rainbow Warriors.

❤️ You can view the companion blog post to this video (complete with links and source references) at:

❤️ The Road to Shamballa, with music by Three Dog Night. Nov 2006.
   • The Road to Shamballa | music by Thre...  

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  / cynthialarson  

#shamballa #shambhala #shangrila #hopi #rainbowwarriors #fifthworld #goldenage


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