Easter Eggs You Missed In The Rise Of Skywalker

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was the conclusion to both Disney’s Star Wars trilogy and the entire Skywalker Saga, so there were guaranteed to be some Easter eggs in there for eagle-eyed fans. Some fans may have noticed that Denis Lawson returned to the series as Wedge Antilles in a brief cameo, but if you knew that he turned down a cameo a few years ago, it makes his appearance even more amusing.

From the origin of the Emperor’s throne to the meaning of the oddly named planet, let’s take a look at some Easter eggs you might have missed in The Rise of Skywalker.

#StarWars #RiseOfSkywalker #Movie

The Emperor's new-ish throne | 0:00
Kylo's kintsukuroi | 1:01
The Disney+ connection | 2:18
Voices from the past | 3:24
Better late than never | 4:28
Cool planet, cool name, cool cameo | 5:20
They worked in Wedge | 6:11
Easter egg grab bag | 7:04
Aftab Ackbar | 8:00
Allegiant General Pryde | 8:59
Beaumont Kin | 9:34
Wicket & Pommet | 10:32

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/180353/easter-...


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