Controlling Anger with Psychological Principles

Описание к видео Controlling Anger with Psychological Principles

Anger can bubble up in all of us to the point where we can’t keep it from showing. So what can you do to prevent yourself from boiling over? Dr. Henry Cloud wants to share some tips on how to understand and mitigate your anger. Did you know that just by naming that feeling of anger you start controlling it? When you attach language to your emotions you can bring in higher level regulatory functions that the emotions alone do not have at their disposal. That’s just one part of the great advice Dr. Cloud shares in this video.

Caller Question:
“I have a short temper and I often wind up alienating myself from others because I am quick to get angry. It's probably affecting my blood pressure (which is high) and my overall mental health, and obviously the quality of my relationships too. Even when I try to suppress my anger, I find myself acting in a passive aggressive way. How can I learn to control my anger before it controls me?”

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