Bimbisara and the Rise of Magadh | Empire of Magadha | Part -1

Описание к видео Bimbisara and the Rise of Magadh | Empire of Magadha | Part -1

Complete Playlist of Magadha's History
   • Magadha's History  

In this video, we will see how Magadh became the First Empire in Indian History. The story of Magadha's rise from a Mahajanapada to an Empire starts with King Bimbisara, who ascended the Magadhan throne at the age of 15. After becoming the King, Bimbisara's through his well-thought-out plan transformed Magadh into a rising power.

1. The Wonder that was India by A L Basham.
2. A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stone Age to the 12th Century by Upinder Singh.
3. History and culture of the Indian people; Vol.II, The Age of Imperial Unity.
4. Gem in the Lotus: The Seeding of Indian Civilisation by Abraham Eraly.


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