Live Kernel Debugging on iOS 12, Virtualised iPhones | Corellium Hands-on Demo

Описание к видео Live Kernel Debugging on iOS 12, Virtualised iPhones | Corellium Hands-on Demo

Hope you enjoyed this live hands-on demo of Corellium!

After speaking more with Chris Wade (  / cmwdotme  ) I have some extra information on some of the points I mentioned in the video:

Users with an enterprise account can manage projects and add users.
Not everyone is limited to 6 CPU cores. Users with a premium account will be able to use as many CPU cores as they want.
The reason the SEP area was 'blanked out' is because the SEP options are currently only available on the iPhone 7.
Cycript doesn't currently work on iOS 12, @saurik is working on it.

Thanks for watching!


Giveaway winners:

Jatinder cheema -    / Канал  
Rob Coleman -    / @ayyitzrob  
theultraman20 -    / @__-xl1zi  



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