Space Strike - Full Playthrough in Nightmare

Описание к видео Space Strike - Full Playthrough in Nightmare

Before i get to explain some levels of this game i wanted to apologize for the MASSIVE delay i had on uploading this video, stuff happened and i was busy, however said stuff didn't took all my free time after all, i stoped uploading videos for a while bc i started focusing on different projects and other stuff, which didn't let me upload videos for a period. Even if i'm back, the upload frecuency of my channel will be much more lower than before, since i don't play games that much currently, and is not like i'm that interesed in youtube after all.

With that said, let's get to the video, which as the title stated, this is a full playthrough of Space Strike, a spin-off of the triology of the Air Strike 3D franchise that Divo Games released back then.

Deaths: 3
00:01:00 - Mission #1: Encounter with Unknown
00:07:02 - Mission #2: Invasion begins
00:12:13 - Mission #3: Operation Red Planet
00:17:34 - Mission #4: The Space Raid
00:22:45 - Mission #5: Meeting new planet
00:28:04 - Mission #6: The mission is to get out and survive!
00:33:20 - Mission #7: Secret enemy lair
00:45:00 - Mission #8: Complete cleansing
00:50:17 - Mission #9: Comic breakthrough
00:55:37 - Mission #10: N.I.T.O. secret lab
00:58:34 - First Death
01:00:21 - Second Death
01:01:01 - Mission #11: Global assault!
01:06:20 - Mission #12: Order, search and destroy!
01:11:51 - Mission #13: The enemy is not going to surrender!
01:17:12 - Mission #14: The Insider
01:22:03 - Mission #15: Agility test
01:26:30 - Mission #16: Red planet's last freight
01:31:25 - Mission #17: Hostile space
01:36:11 - Mission #18: Deadly confrontation
01:38:46 - Third Death
01:41:27 - Mission #19: Moon liberation
01:46:25 - Mission #20: The last battle!
01:49:35 - Ending Screen

In the first mission, you'll start with the plasma gun, which only you can upgrade it up to 3 levels in the whole game because there aren't any more plasma' drops in the other levels for some reason, the only way to have it upgraded to max is by starting at mission 2. So if you're doing a run, you can just start in mission 2 to start with a better weapon, you won't miss much if you omit the first mission, however if you start in the first mission, you can still get plasma upgraded to max by restarting mission 2, don't worry, you won't lose the score you made from the first mission.
In the second mission you also get the Quantum Laser Gun, but i recommend to stick with plasma since quantum perfoms pretty bad, much more with low power.

Third mission includes for first time some of the most annoying enemies in the game: Tanks and upgraded Cruisers. Tanks depsite not being fast or hard to kill, shoots slow but extremly powerful bullets that can insta-kill if you're playing in major difficulties like nightmare. And cruisers aren't that threating as tanks but they are annoying due to their health and big hitbox which may caught you if you're off-guard.

Fourth mission has a new weapon and another new and probably most annoying enemy of the game. Wave Gun is decent compared to Quantum but doesn't perform well as Missile Gun or Big Lighting Gun, at least in this mission you can stick with wave or even plasma. The new enemy is the third variation of the interceptor (b), you can die by just crashing to one of them, their hitbox is big compared to their other variations and they appear in bigger numbers in later missions, luckly missile gun and big lighting gun can handle those pretty well.

Sixth mission introduces the missile gun, in this mission you can apply the same trick from mission 2 to start with it upgraded up to level 3.
Missile gun, IMO, is the best weapon of the game, actually Big Lighting Gun performs sightly better than missiles but it suffers a big flaw which i'll describe later. Starting mission 7, i don't recommend to use plasma nor wave gun since they get kinda useless in later missions.

Eighth mission introduces the Big Lightning Gun, which depsite it handles missions pretty good, it suffers from a flaw, the lighting it generates when hit locking other enemies doesn't give you any points and most of the time it ends up hitting most of the enemies in-screen, using it may cause you to lose many points, sadly, so i recommend to stick with missile gun.

In mission 10, appears the first and hardest boss, to avoid his attacks easier, slowly move in order to avoid his attacks, beware of the flying enemies and tanks and if you reach the end of the level, try to get rid of the tanks ASAP.

In the last mission, appears the final boss of the game, unlike the first boss, this one is actually much easier as it doesn't contain any flying enemies around. Get rid of the turrets as fast as possible since just one bullet from them may nearly insta-kill you, to avoid his other attacks, slowly move to any side to avoid his lasers, beware of getting to close because sometimes it doesn't fly back.

That's pretty much all, you can take those tips or play with your own strategies.


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