Grower Feedback | Steric P | Farming Product | DAP | NUE | Verdesian Life Sciences

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Why Use Steric P Treatment?

BioSF325 sits inside the 100% water soluble Steric P dry formulation
Enables Steric P to be a replacement for traditional forms of P MAP, phosphoric acid, DAP, MKP
Instead of full replacement, BioSF325 enables Steric P to be used as a biostimulant within standard fertigation programs

Helps to reduce the effect of salinity on root and shoot growth
Through improved P efficiency, helps reduce environmental impact of phosphate
Steric P fully replaces traditional P fertilisers and has biostimulant action.

How to Apply Steric P ?

Application Guidelines:

Always read and follow label instructions and restrictions before use.
Steric P can be applied to most crops via fertigation only. Do not apply as foliar to crops.
Steric P can replace normally used acid fertilisers supplying phosphorus or can be used in conjunction with such fertilisers to provide beneficial biostimulant effects.

Application Instructions:

Steric P should only be applied dissolved preferably through fertigation systems. Add dissolved solution to partially filled tank and continue to fill, if possible, allow agitation to ensure thorough mixing in tank.

As a P Replacement from Acid Fertiliser:

Up to 3 units P can be replaced by 1 P unit from Steric P

For Biostimulant Effect:

Use 2-11kg Steric P at planting, pre or early flowering depending on crop to provide improved fruit setting and crop quality (see label for more details)

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