狗狗聽我的 - 如何帶新領養的狗狗回家 上 (How to bring a new dog home part 1)

Описание к видео 狗狗聽我的 - 如何帶新領養的狗狗回家 上 (How to bring a new dog home part 1)

  / anniedogtraining  
來信詢問一對一課程時 ([email protected]) 請包括:
1. 你的姓名、居住城市、郵址
2. 狗狗年齡、性別、種類、是否已節育
3. 們困擾你的問題
During Christmas holiday when I brought Yonga home for boarding training, I also made a training video to teach owners how to take a new dog home, introduce him or her to your family and pack, and how to protect the new dog properly. The objective is to avoid creating any traumatic experiences that might cause long lasting psychological damages.


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