Paradise of Birds Haleji Lake Thatta | Beautiful Lakes of Pakistan

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Paradise of Birds Haleji Lake Thatta | Beautiful Lakes of Pakistan

Haleji Lake is famous freshwater lake in Thatta Sindh, it's also called "Paradise of Birds"!

After Keenjhar Jheel , this is bigger Lake in Thatta Sindh Pakistan.

We went in heat time so we didn't see or capture birds which was our first prefer.

After all, we enjoyed it and saw beautiful thickets of trees and coldness of lake in heat of summer.

This is really beautiful lake and visitable!

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Haleji jheel Thatta
Keenjhar Jheel Thatta
Haliji Lake Thatta Sindh
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Pakistan vlogs
Paradise of Birds Haleji Lake Thatta | Beautiful Lakes of Pakistan

Birds Lake in Thatta.


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