The Mad Strategists of Age of Empires 2

Описание к видео The Mad Strategists of Age of Empires 2

What's better in a 25 years old Real Time Strategy game than seeing new strategies emerge and take down pro players?
Well, that's what happened, 3 times in the past 5 years. Hoang, followed by YouPudding, and now Phosphoru all have had a crazy impact on the scene, at the mid and low elos, but also at the pro level. Let me tell you their stories!

Thanks to ‪@RedPhosphorusMc‬ for sharing his story and insights, make sure to check out his twitch channel:
  / redphosphoru  

Footage used:
- ‪@T90Official‬
- ‪@nhatanh542‬
- ‪@MembTV_‬
- ‪@danielaaoe‬
- ‪@TheViperAOE‬

Hope you enjoyed the video!


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