Guruvina Gulama

Описание к видео Guruvina Gulama

“Guruvina Gulama”, this beautiful song by Purandara Dasa goes on to describe the importance and virtues of a guru. One needs to surrender to the guru to get salvation. Reading the six different Shastras and 18 different Puranas would only lead to a wasted devotion. Wearing a garland, turning beads of a rosary, wandering as a mad-man after rolling in ash is of no value. Neither will giving up the pleasures of the body and life help in anyway, until you attain and join with, Lord Purandara Vittala, the father of Manmatha.

Choreographed by Guru Smt. Shobha Anand, the Creative Director of Nrithyatharangini School of Dance and Choreography, this song was performed on the occasion of Purandara Aradane 2023, in the SVBF Temple, Toronto, Canada.


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