Behavioural Data Science in Financial Services Online Course: Disclaimer

Описание к видео Behavioural Data Science in Financial Services Online Course: Disclaimer

Thank you for making a donation to support Ukrainian civilians affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Original collection:
Due to the controversy with the Red Cross detailed here: I cannot ask you to donate to the Red Cross. If you trust the Red Cross, fee free to use the original page for donations.

If you do not trust the Red Cross, here is a list of other civilian charities to donate to (note, that Red Cross is also on the list, but feel free to ignore it and select any other charity):

If you would rather support Ukrainian army, you may consider:

If you make a donation, please, leave a comment below the video, so that we could keep track of the impact of this fundraising campaign.

Professor Ganna Pogrebna would like to thank the Alan Turing Institute for support in creating the course videos.

The book for this unit will be released together with the last course part.


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