Windows 7 graphic properties not showing on right click

Описание к видео Windows 7 graphic properties not showing on right click

In this video, I will show you how to install a graphics driver for windows 7. Now go to the properties of the computer. I have 64 bit Windows 7 installed on my computer

Look at the model number of your computer's processor. This is my Core i3 processor. And the model number of the computer processor starts with the number 2350M. That means my computer processor is 2nd generation processor. If your processor's model number is 3001M or 3110M or 3…. Something else, That means your processor is third generation.

If your processor's model number is 4101M or 4010M or 4…. Something else, That means your processor is 4th generation.

Now enter the model number of your computer processor and enter the Windows operating system then find your graphics driver

Download and install the graphics driver
You need to restart your computer after installing Intel Graphics

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