
Описание к видео #FridayReads

Why do all my videos look like a mirror image now??

Booked mentioned:

Find You In The Dark by Nathan Ripley
He's quite funny on Twitter:   / 1006346435061690368  

Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke
Finished immediately following the video; would recommend. And yes, the ending had me thinking "oh shit" and "listen to your mother!!"

JC Sutcliffe on Twitter:   / slightlybookist  

Document 1 by Francois Blais
Cute and charming, I need a Hardy expert to help with the literary allusions

Mama's Boy by David Goudreault
Warning! Warning! NOT cute, despite the kitty on the cover!

My last horror read: https://reading-in-bed.com/2017/08/27...


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