Dancefloor Gaze | Volca Bass, Sample 2 and Microfreak dance jam

Описание к видео Dancefloor Gaze | Volca Bass, Sample 2 and Microfreak dance jam

Some Sunday night dance jam to relax, using some neat features of the Volca Sample 2 and Bass, still discovering all the cool things the Microfreak does. As the piece developed I was thinking about the few times I'd been on a really dark dancefloor, maybe drunk and sweaty, looking at the cheap lighting and at the people that dance better than me, and then, across the room, a gaze, sorting its way through the moving heads, hitting me... And me, falling in love, for one night.

#dawless #electronicmusic #microfreak #volcabass #volcasample #korg #korgvolcabass #korgvolcasample #korgvolca #arturiamicrofreak #arturia #dancemusic


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