[iOS15] Đọc thông tin ổ cứng, Hardware info HDD, Find WMac - BMac - Serial Number by Ramdisk iOS 15

Описание к видео [iOS15] Đọc thông tin ổ cứng, Hardware info HDD, Find WMac - BMac - Serial Number by Ramdisk iOS 15

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Đọc thông tin ổ cứng, Hardware info HDD, Find WMac - BMac - Serial Number by Ramdisk iOS 15
Hỗ trợ iPhone chết ổ cứng, thay ổ cứng mới cần thông tin để nạp và active.
Tóm tắt như sau:
Ổ cứng chết -- Thay ổ mới -- Restore -- Ramdisk -- Lấy thông tin -- Ghi thông tin vô ổ mới -- Restore -- Active -- Done.
iPhone 6s/6s Plus/7/7 Plus/8/8 Plus/X
Group support:   / 636469487206482  
Support iPhone with dead hard drive, replace the new hard drive need information to load and activate.
Summarized as follows:
Hard drive dies -- Replace new drive -- Restore -- Ramdisk -- Get information -- Writes information to new drive -- Restore -- Active -- Done.
#iOS15,#hardware, #Ramdisk, #Wmac, #Bmac #EMac, #readhdd,#hardwarereader
Backupfile Passcode with Ramdisk SSH
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RestoreFile Passcode Full with Ramdisk SSH
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HW Reader SN/WMac/BMac
Apple Finder : AppleID + Phone Number with Ramdisk SSH
Support Apple device with checkra1n jailbreak:
Apple Finder : AppleID, SN, PhoneNumber
Bypass Passcode/Disable Full
Fake iOS for Active ICCID
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Enter/Exit Recovery Mode
Block/Enable iTunes Update
Block/ Enable Finder with Recovery/DFU Mode.
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