DBFZ Season 3 Vegito NEW combos! Banshee blast staircase

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#vegito #dbfz #combo

So ive done vegito to death, and I would of course recommend watching any of the other old videos with lots of other cool ideas of stuff to do.. For what its worth I have a few videos planned for him besides this.. but in general like I said this season didnt have many changes it seems so not a lot to make videos on as there are not a lot of legit new ideas per say...

Anyway so basically they of course just made those banshee blast combos i was doing before easier. Which again were already pretty easy just had some specific set ups for some of them.. Its interesting that they almost specifically seem to have changed the move to make these combos easier, because certainly the moves "problem" per say was not the hit box in the first place. From a neutral/gameplan perspective its just that its to slow, and doesnt count as a beam. Which again is why i say just give the move a ex version of it so it at least keeps the dudes guessing.. but really this change seems to be specifically just to make these combos more abundant.

For what its worth like I said though, you can now do the jump medium to a tiger knee banshee blast link which was only possible before in a extreme circumstance.. Now its possible in many albeit very difficult set ups. if jump medium did another frame of stun id say it would be more plausible but as it is, its extremely difficult.

The other tiger knee ones from the regular sassy kick is more doable now and probably realistic in a real match. Tiger knee from ex sassy kick is super easy now, but still kinda moot since ex sassy kick just wastes to much time. You can now get a very specific jf link jab off certain set ups as well that i showed off that are for whatever reason easier when you hold down the button it seems.

Other than that not much to say really, just a lot of the older super jump medium stuff to it works very easily now from many set ups. I did try to do a backwards AUTO combo to banshee blast link unfortuatnely although you can set this up the jab always misses. But damn that would have been crazy.. but maybe for the best cuz if you could just loop it like i was testing it might be pretty broken but jab just cant get high enough. maybe there is a set up though still to be found who knows....

Anyway so ya ive done vegito to death, but hes my favorite character so it is what it is.. watch the other videos for other ideas...


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