Michelle Elle - Tseem Tsis Tau Lig (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Michelle Elle - Tseem Tsis Tau Lig (Official Music Video)

I want us all to remember that it's never too late to do things we love that make us happy and feel whole. It's okay to feel lost and unmotivated sometimes, but, remember that time is ticking. So... what do you want to do? Go do it! For me, creating music makes me whole. Starting today, I'll try harder to fill that missing piece. This music video focuses on my deep journey as a music artist, but I hope you can find your own meaning of this song.

►Michelle Elle Merch: https://www.MichelleElle.com

►BUY DIGITAL TRACK: https://michelle.bandcamp.com/track/t...

►Apple Music & iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/tsee...

►Follow Michelle Elle online: https://linktr.ee/Michelle.Elle


LYRICS (English Subtitles are available if you turn on CC)

Txawm lub ntiaj teb no hloov,
los thov nco ntsoov
Koj muaj txoj hmoo es tseem pom tau lub caij nyoog hloov mus hloov los
Txij kiag hnub no, tsis txhob qaug zog
Kuv tsis xav pom koj nyuaj siab os
Cia kuv nug koj ib lo

Tias koj xav ua dab tsi?
Cia kuv mam li coj koj mus ncig
thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb
kom tag kis, yog tsis muaj ntxiv,
wb thiaj tsis khuv xim
Yam koj ntshaw yog dab tsi?
Cia wb mam li nhriav tus yawm sij rau koj mus qhib lub neej tshav nrig
kom tag kis, yog tsis muaj ntxiv,
wb thiaj tsis khuv xim

Sij hawm tsis tos koj mog
Yog tsis tau caum cuag kev npau suav,
nco txog koj lub zeem muag koj ib txwm muaj thaum tseem hluas
Koj tos dab tsi?
Kuv yuav nyob ntawm koj ib sab
Txawm koj poob qab me ntsis,
los koj tseem muaj tis ya

Koj xav ua dab tsi?
Cia kuv mam li coj koj mus ncig
thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb
kom tag kis, yog tsis muaj ntxiv,
wb thiaj tsis khuv xim
Yam koj ntshaw yog dab tsi?
Cia wb mam li nhriav tus yawm sij rau koj mus qhib lub neej tshav nrig
kom tag kis, yog tsis muaj ntxiv,
wb thiaj tsis khuv xim

🤍Michelle Elle

#MichelleElle #Hmong #TseemTsisTauLig #TTTL


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