The Humble King | John

Описание к видео The Humble King | John

The Humble King | John 12:12-19 | City Harvest AG Church | Shine Thomas

Sermon Transcript :

The Triumphal Entry of the King: The Fulfillment of Prophecy and the Revelation of Jesus as Lord

Key Themes:

The Shekinah Glory of God returning to the Temple.
The King of Israel entering His Holy City.
The King arrives in humility and simplicity.
"Hosanna" – a cry for salvation: "Save us, rescue us."
Who Jesus Is:

Jesus is the Temple – the dwelling place of God.
Jesus is the Glory of God – the manifestation of God’s presence.
He is now revealed as the Lord of the World.
The Nature of God's Kingdom:

It is a Kingdom of Humility and Simplicity.
The King doesn’t conquer by violence but by dying for His enemies.
Life Application Points:

Recognize Jesus as King in every aspect of life.
Embrace humility and simplicity as Kingdom values.
Understand that God’s Kingdom operates differently from earthly kingdoms.
Proclaim Jesus as King to the world.
Introduction: Today, many churches around the world celebrate Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, commemorating Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Growing up in an orthodox church in Kerala, Palm Sunday was a day when we would walk around with palm leaves, symbolizing victory and peace. But what is the true story behind Palm Sunday?

The Gospel of John (12:12-19) recounts this moment when Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling ancient prophecies and revealing His true identity as the Messiah.

The Arrival of the King: In John 12, we see the crowd welcoming Jesus with palm branches, shouting “Hosanna!” which means "save us." The people, aware of His miracles, particularly the resurrection of Lazarus, hail Him as the King of Israel.

This event marks the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies that spoke of the return of God's glory to the Temple and the coming of a righteous King.

Prophecy Fulfilled:

The Glory of God Returns: In Ezekiel 10 and 43, the prophet describes how the Shekinah Glory of God left the Temple due to Israel’s corruption, but foretells its return. When Jesus enters Jerusalem, He embodies this glory, coming from the Mount of Olives into the city, just as Ezekiel had prophesied.

The King of Israel: Zechariah 9:9 speaks of the Davidic King coming humbly, riding on a donkey. Jesus’ arrival on a donkey fulfilled this, showing that He is the true King, bringing peace and righteousness.

Jesus Is the Temple: Ezekiel also foretold that the Temple would be rebuilt. Jesus refers to His own body as the new Temple (John 2:19), the place where heaven and earth meet. He is not just the King, but the dwelling place of God’s presence on earth.

A Kingdom of Humility and Simplicity: Jesus enters not as a warrior king but in humility, riding a donkey. This reveals that the Kingdom of God is founded on different principles from the kingdoms of the world—humility, simplicity, and self-sacrifice.

Philippians 2:1-11 teaches that we are to imitate Christ’s humility, valuing others above ourselves, just as He humbled Himself, even to death on a cross. This is the model of leadership in God’s Kingdom.

Misunderstanding of the Crowd: The people hailed Jesus, hoping He would liberate them from Roman oppression, misunderstanding His mission. They sought an earthly king, but Jesus came to bring spiritual freedom—freedom from the power of sin.

Jesus Conquers by Dying: Unlike earthly kings who use force, Jesus conquers His enemies by dying for them. His death on the cross was the ultimate act of love, swallowing up evil in divine forgiveness. This is why Pilate wrote "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" on the cross (John 19:19). Jesus’ kingship is not of this world but of the Kingdom of God.

Conclusion: The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem reminds us that He is both the Temple of God and the Glory of God. His Kingdom is not of this world, and as His followers, we are called to live in humility, simplicity, and love, proclaiming Him as King in every area of our lives.

The Humble King | John 12:12-19 | City Harvest AG Church | Shine Thomas

#TriumphalEntry #PalmSunday #JesusIsKing #Hosanna #ShekinahGlory #KingOfIsrael #JesusTheTemple #GospelOfJohn #HumilityAndSimplicity #KingdomOfGod #ProphecyFulfilled #Zechariah99


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