I spent TOO MUCH money at Anime Expo Chibi 😭 (I never usually buy anything) | Artist Alley Vlogs

Описание к видео I spent TOO MUCH money at Anime Expo Chibi 😭 (I never usually buy anything) | Artist Alley Vlogs

Right after UCI Vendor Fair (not vlogged), I tackled the anime convention that holds a special place in my heart, Anime Expo Chibi!! This was my very first convention as an artist, last year in 2023, and so to come back to the Ontario Convention Center is quite a surreal experience, not only witnessing the growth of my own booth, but also my network. Walking around this time, I could feel at home seeing all my fellow artist friends with their tables already set up. Even as I navigate through the different layout in the exhibitor's hall feeling lost in the size of the venue, I could spot many vendors I became friends with along my artist journey, and I am extremely grateful for all the relationships I continue to create in this space. And although I do not disclose how much I spent in the video, I added up the approximate totals and spent a modest $255+ at this convention LOL.

I'm an Asian American creative who just graduated from college and is trying to live their childhood dream of turning art into their career! I started my tabling journey a year ago, and it's been a wild ride so far! Join me as I learn how to navigate the Artist Alley world, learn new techniques to improve my little shop, share tips on my methods, and create more art to spread into the world! :D

Welcome to the Zoociety!🐹 (you're officially a Zookie now!~)
Check out my shop, Sticker Zoo Designs

👉Follow our socials! 👈
LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/stickerzoo
INSTAGRAM:   / stickerzoodesigns  
TIKTOK:   / stickerzoo  
Artist Alley catalog: https://stickerzoodesigns.carrd.co/

Sticker Zoo artist alley display/sticker making products I use:
Affiliate page: (https://www.amazon.com/shop/stickerzo...)
Grid Panels: https://amzn.to/404RTrf
(and the hammer I use for my microphone XD)
Cricuts (cutting device): https://amzn.to/3BF9jkU
Sticker Paper!: https://amzn.to/3P9oRAr
Laminate (water resistant, self-laminating): https://amzn.to/3P9oRAr
Double-sided Sign Clips: https://amzn.to/4fvWRSg
My Camera: https://amzn.to/407iQdS
My Portable wifi: https://amzn.to/404qIgf
My Wagon: https://amzn.to/3ZHFYOw
Wood Display Stand: https://amzn.to/41LJqua

Artist Friends!:✨
Check out some of the awesome artists we see in this video (in order of tag appearance)!
My helper! (Kayla):   / kwoo.jii  
PepperCut Studios(Artist) - ‪@JulianneDoodles‬
Quaphadoodle (Artist) - ‪@quaphadoodle‬
DrawnByIvy (Artist) - ‪@drawnbyivy‬
Keyyahnuh (Artist) -   / keyyahnuh  
ohwhale.co (Artist) -   / ohwhale.co  
Noah Sturm (Artist) -   / noahsturm  
Mualcaina (Artist) - ‪@Mualcaina‬
Nyoot (Artist) -   / shopnyoot  
imjamiejamzz (Artist) -   / imjamiejamzz  
MTSugarr (Artist) -   / mtsugarr  
Mimopuffs (Artist) -   / mimopuffs  
Kawaii Krate (Artist ) -   / kawaii.krate  
MoonPooArt (Artist) -   / moonpooart  
Coco Choon (Artist) -   / coco.choon  
JYK Doodles (Artist) - ‪@jykdoodles‬
The Juice Box Club (Artist) - ‪@thejuiceboxclub‬

Exhibitor friends featured in this video as well!
Otaku Collectives (Vendor) -   / otakucollectives  
Goozee Pins (Vendor) -   / goozeepins  
Yabai Society (Brand) -   / yabaisociety.official  
Wick Weebs (Vendor) -   / wickweebs  

Wanna join the Artist Alley scene? Start here!:

Video Segments:
00:00 ~ intro
00:15 ~ Day 0: setting up again!
02:49 ~ Day 1: we're late?! panic time...
06:04 ~ Day 1: i'm cooked.. Overcooked.
08:21 ~ Day 1: skewers and scavenging exhibit hall
10:11 ~ Day 1: my new public service job
12:07 ~ Day 1: what's behind my table?
13:27 ~ Day 1: kayla intermission + gift from kai!
14:29 ~ Day 1: a yappy segment...
16:40 ~ Day 1: almost done, here's the front of the table
18:26 ~ Day 1: dinner at zip kbbq!
18:42 ~ Day 2: I bumped into artist friends!!
22:16 ~ Day 2: I got banished back to the sweat shop
22:32 ~ Day 2: sticker zoo adventures
24:43 ~ Day 2: shopping with crystal (juice box club)
26:12 ~ Day 2: it's lunch time! (we got ramen)
27:14 ~ Day 2: time to spend more money on gifts...
27:31 ~ Day 2: unboxing blind boxes with shamima and jiyoon
29:15 ~ Day 2: return to my table for kayla intermission 2
31:48 ~ Day 2: back to shopping!
33:08 ~ Day 2: photos, wrapping up, and con review
36:04 ~ Day 2: i cooked
36:38 ~ dinner with goozee pins and outro

Kingdom of Uraya - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST [045] (   • Kingdom of Uraya - Xenoblade Chronicl...  )
(all rights belong to Nintendo and music composing team)

#artistalley #animeexpochibi #animeexpo #animeconvention #artistalleyvlog


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