The Kipping Handstand Push-up

Описание к видео The Kipping Handstand Push-up

When is an athlete ready for kipping handstand push-ups? When he or she shows appropriate strength and mastery of safety in the strict handstand push-up.

This is a great way to work on the kip:

1. Kick up to a controlled handstand, then lower to an active bottom position in which the hands and head create a triangle. You want the majority of the weight on both hands to protect the neck and spine.
2. Place your butt against the wall while bending your knees into a “tucked” position. On the descent, use the open tuck position — hips at approximately 45 degrees. In Step 3 below, the hips can flex further to 90 degrees, but this deeper tuck isn’t necessary if you have built strength in the strict handstand push-up.
3. Next, quickly roll your pelvis slightly under as you draw your knees slightly lower before quickly driving your feet upward to the start position (top of handstand) as the arms push away from the floor. The hip “roll” plays an important part in the kip, and the timing is critical. The properly timed press allows us to take advantage of the momentum generated by the hips.

Remember: The descent to the floor must be controlled. Avoid “bouncing” off the head and neck to generate power.

(Text adapted from "HSPU and You: Master the Movement," by Zachary Long and Pamela Gagnon with Jeff Tucker)

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