S9: The Weird and Wonderful World of Weddings Exploring Cultural Oddities in Marriage Ceremonies

Описание к видео S9: The Weird and Wonderful World of Weddings Exploring Cultural Oddities in Marriage Ceremonies

Here are some unusual marriage customs from around the world:

1- Mass Wedding in South Korea:
In South Korea, mass weddings are quite common, especially among followers of the Unification Church. These weddings often involve thousands of couples getting married simultaneously in a ceremony officiated by the church's leader. The couples may not know each other prior to the wedding, as they are often matched by the church.

2- Ghost Marriage in China:
Ghost marriage, also known as spirit marriage, is a tradition in certain regions of China where one or both of the spouses are deceased. This practice is often carried out to ensure that a deceased single person will have a companion in the afterlife. Families may arrange marriages between a living person and a deceased individual, or between two deceased individuals.

3- Trial Marriage in Indonesia:
Among the Tidong community in Indonesia, there's a tradition called "minggat." Before getting married, the couple must live separately for an extended period to test their commitment to each other. During this time, they are not allowed to see each other until the wedding day. This practice is believed to strengthen the relationship and ensure a successful marriage.

4- Fraternal Polyandry in Tibet:
In certain regions of Tibet, a practice called fraternal polyandry exists, where one woman is married to multiple brothers. This custom helps in preventing the division of land and property among siblings, as well as controlling population growth in areas with limited resources.

5- Bridal Crying Ritual in China:
Among the Tujia people in China, there's a tradition where the bride must cry for an hour every day in the month leading up to her wedding. Ten days into the ritual, the mother of the bride joins her in crying, and ten days after that, the grandmother joins. The crying is meant to symbolize joy and happiness, as well as ward off evil spirits.

These examples showcase the diverse cultural practices surrounding marriage worldwide, each with its own unique significance and traditions.

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