Hand-feeding ADORABLE, WILD Chickadees

Описание к видео Hand-feeding ADORABLE, WILD Chickadees

Join us as we head to a park on the edge of Lake Michigan in an attempt to hand-feed some Black-capped Chickadees. This park is known for having tame Chickadees and many people come to feed them by hand. They are not a species of concern and feeding them is not bringing them to a more dangerous location.

Although hand-feeding birds is an amazing experience, always consider the safety of the birds (and yourself) if attempting to feed birds by hand, and consider the possible consequences. And of course, wash your hands :)

More information on hand-feeding birds: https://empressofdirt.net/hand-feed-w...

More information on the ethics of feeding birds: https://www.audubon.org/news/when-its...

All photos and videos by Derek and Ryan Sallmann

#Birding #BirdWatching #Chickadees


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