Ancient Celts in America: Ancient Ogham Writing

Описание к видео Ancient Celts in America: Ancient Ogham Writing

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In this episode I investigate the claims of Celtic Ogham in America. I explore the controversies surrounding 3 different sites in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Colorado. In West Virginia, I witnessed the Wyoming County Petroglyph site that Dr. Barry Fell believed was a winter solstice marker. In Oklahoma, I went to Anubis Caves, where there was more Ogham like writing. I captured a Timelapse of some archeoastronomy on the night before the equinox. The next day I traveled to Picture Canyon, Colorado to witnesses the sunrise at Crack Cave.

Bibliography -
Chapter 3: American Petroglyphs That Look Like Celtic Ogham

“Ancient American Inscriptions: Plow Marks or History?” (1993) - William R. McGlone, Phillip M. Leonard, James L. Guthrie, Rollin W. Gillespie, James P. Whittall, Jr.

“America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World” (1984) - Barry Fell

“In Plain Sight: Old World Records in Ancient America” (1993) - Gloria Farley

“Anubis Caves” (2022) - Phillip Leonard

Music -
COAG - Wonderful things (Patreon)
COAG - From the Darkness -    • From the Darkness   -    Haunting Atm...  

00:00 - Wyoming County, West Virginia petroglyph
00:58 - Dr. Fell's translation of the petroglyph
02:09 - Criticism of Fell's translation
02:43 - Egyptian Symbolism and Ogham like petroglyphs in Oklahoma?
03:29 - Archeoastronomy on the equinox eve in Oklahoma
04:57 - Archeoastronomy on the morning of the equinox in Colorado
05:43 - A Translation of the Colorado petroglyph
06:36 Other curious inscriptions in Picture Canyon, Colorado
07:15 - Skepticism and Possible explanations for why there are similarities.
08:18 - Is it racist to ask whether this is Ogham?
08:36 - Sneak peek at the next episode, Ancient Hebrews in America


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