How To Read Chord Symbols For Bass (2/3): Going BEYOND The Roots

Описание к видео How To Read Chord Symbols For Bass (2/3): Going BEYOND The Roots

►► FREE: Get the Chord Cheat Sheets Pack so you’ll always know what’s going to work with every chord you come across →

Once you know how to find the roots of chords, you can be pretty dangerous - maybe even make it through an entire gig on bass! But if you really want to start making cool bass lines, riffs, fills and licks, then you’re going to need to get beyond using just the root.

After all, using just one note over a chord can be kind of limiting, right? Really great bass lines that just use one note for every chord do exist, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

But if you’re looking at a chord chart or lyric sheet and you don’t know how all these chords are made, it will be really difficult to make something that you can be proud of.

Luckily, pretty much every chord symbol - even the most complicated ones - can be condensed into just 3 notes, also called a triad. If you know your triads and how they’re put together, then you can start making some great bass lines.

In part 2 of this chord series, you’ll:

→ Discover the 4 main types of triads (you’ve definitely heard the first 2 before)
→ Learn how they’re made and how they’re played - you have options for all of them
→ Get classic example of triad-based lines, one of them even uses just 2 notes per chord!

If I’m going too fast in the video, or you’d rather have everything in written form so you can refer to it over and over again, make sure to download my Chord Cheat Sheet Pack. You’ll get all the key takeaways from this series in a single PDF file. You’ll get:

→ All the shapes for all the chords in this lesson
→ A handy chart showing you exactly what notes are in every chord
→ A scale catalogue you can use to make sure you’re always playing the right scales with the right chords

It’s 100% free and to get it, just go here:

Fill out the form on that page and I’ll send it straight to you. Once you know all the information in the pack, you’ll never be stumped by a chord symbol ever again.

As always, if you have questions, just leave them below and I’ll be sure to help you out. In the final part of this series, we’re going to go beyond the triads and show you the more advanced chord types, how they’re constructed and what you can play over them.

Good luck with the lesson and happy playing!



P.S. If you never want to be confused by a chord symbol ever again, the link for the free Chord Cheat Sheets pack is right here:


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