
Описание к видео #SCOSoundbites

Concert: Legends

Date: 25 February 2023

Composed by Zhang Zhao

Gan Jiang Mo Ye Fantasia was composed by the renowned composer Zhang Zhao as a commissioned piece by the Suzhou Chinese Orchestra. Based on the moving story of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, a well-known folklore in Suzhou, the composition comprises four movements, namely “The Oath”, “Snowcapped Peaks”, “Inferno”, and “Nirvana”. Melodic tunes tell the story of the skilled blacksmith Gan Jiang. He was asked to forge a pair of swords, named “Gan Jiang” (male sword) and “Mo Ye” (female sword) respectively, for the King of Wu. However, the King had Gan Jiang murdered after the swords had been forged. The couple’s son, Chi, devoted his life to seeking revenge for his father. The musical piece sidesteps literary narrative modes and instead emphasises emotional and spiritual expression. Through the performance of four movements, a powerful message is communicated to the audience – one of great love, righteousness, and courage.

View Legends house programme here: https://bitly.ws/YgBf


日期: 2023年 2月 25日


《干将·莫邪幻想曲》由著名作曲家张朝 为苏州民族管弦乐团委约创作,取自苏州 民间传说“干将莫邪”的感人故事。乐曲共分 为誓言、山雪、烈火、涅槃四个乐章,用 动人的旋律讲述了巧匠干将为吴王铸成“干 将”“莫邪”雄雌二剑后被楚王杀死、其子赤 为父报仇的故事。作品避开文学的叙事, 突出情怀与心灵的表达,通过四个乐章的 演奏,向观众传达了大爱、大义、大勇的 精神力量。
Ⅰ:“誓言”,表达了干将、莫邪及赤、侠客四个人物 欲除暴君吴王的决心,以及信守不渝 、赤诚相待的品 格,同时也是对残暴的统治者的描写。
Ⅱ:“山雪”,表现了干将、莫邪的爱情像山雪般圣 洁,他们把挚爱雪藏于静谧的旷野中和其子赤的心 中。
Ⅲ:“烈火”,表现了铸剑的决心与除暴、复仇的雄 心,以及对残暴的统治者的抗争。
Ⅳ:“涅槃”,表现了英雄的牺牲与灵魂的重生,讴歌 了英雄大义、大勇、大爱的精神以及精诚所至、金石 为开的感人情怀,并永存于天宇之间。

点击链接参阅《传奇》节目册: https://bitly.ws/YgBf


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