What is a Wellness Coach?

Описание к видео What is a Wellness Coach?

What is a Wellness Coach?

Today 1 out of 2 adults have a chronic illness. Yet 70% of healthcare costs are related to preventable diseases.

With the right education and support, people can improve their health and lifestyle. They just need someone who can show them the way.

That’s where Wellness Coaches come in.

Wellness Coaches support people to make healthy lifestyle changes. They use an integrated, holistic approach to health and well-being, taking into account not just nutrition and exercise, but all aspects of a person’s lifestyle including career, relationships, spirituality and other factors that affect a person’s well-being. Wellness Coaches provide support and accountability so that people can make lasting lifestyle changes.

Wellness Coaches are leading the way in the healthcare field as we embark upon a new journey of what wellness really means.

Learn more about becoming a certified wellness coach and download your free wellness coach career kit. Visit: https://iawpwellnesscoach.com/career-...


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