So I decided to buff FNF Voiid Chronicles part 2 Wiik 2

Описание к видео So I decided to buff FNF Voiid Chronicles part 2 Wiik 2

the one in which i look bad and also sound bad because for some reason i decided to have my mic on and talk too long

FNF Voiid Chronicles previously known as Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Matt Voiid-Sides do be of the good matt mod

you can download these charts and play them via my public discord server so come join the panorama it's got a link on my about me page tell me if it ever breaks

Burnout - I love this song, for some reason i always play it really really well, atleast in hyper precise accuracy. not sure why but i do. I knew taking an already sorta mania-ish chart and buffing it would make something insane, as i'd have to add a LOT to it to nearly max out its density if it's gonna be a mania buff of a mania chart. gotta make it real noticable still, yknow? somehow still good at it until the last section like always.

Sporting - The one survivor of the options menu, this songs close together pixel section remains where all other fancy stuff is removed, and it will not let me get rid of it manually either. Fun fact, this is a nerfed version. My original plan for it was getting too unplayable.

Boxing Match - Probably the hardest chart atleast in it's speed and nonstop intensity that you'll ever see in my videos on this mod. While never nerfed, you can imagine it would probably be harder still if i never found out what was too much when charting sporting. and yet, I still feel some sections are badly designed or a little much, so I might refine this one later

second time using this thing everyone does for some reason i'm gonna see if it actually does anything:

Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel and originally created for Ludum Dare 47 by ninjamuffin99, Kawai Sprite, PhantomArcade and evilsk8r. Currently developed by The Funkin' Crew, the game can be played on Newgrounds or downloaded for free on

The game is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes, and new content, with the full version of the game currently in development after being successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. The game is also open-source, allowing users to mod it or simply look through its code, which can be freely downloaded on GitHub. Check the changelog for information on the latest updates.

The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father, Daddy Dearest, and her popstar mother, Mommy Mearest, don't approve of him. It's up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through them and anyone else standing in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes?

FNF: Voiid Chronicles is a mod created by LordVoiid and RhysRJJ. The mod is heavily centered around the character Matt, and contains remixes from the original mods, including the fan-made WiiK 3, WiiK 4 and WiiK 100.


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