Types of Door (Part-1) | Classification of Doors | opening fixation in Building Construction

Описание к видео Types of Door (Part-1) | Classification of Doors | opening fixation in Building Construction

what is a door in building construction, A door is an openable barrier secured in the wall opening.

Doors commonly used in construction are classified into many broad categories. The classification can be referred to:

First group is Based on the arrangement of components; doors can be classified into:

1. Battened and ledged door: It is formed of vertical boards known as battens, which are usually fixed together by horizontal supports known as ledges. This is the simplest type of door, especially for small openings

2. Battened, ledged, and braced doors: This is the door made of vertical battens; joined together by horizontal ledges; and having inclined braces between ledges to give more strength and rigidity.

3. Battened, ledged and framed doors: It is an improved form of the simple battened and ledged door in which the framework for the shutter is provided in the form of two verticals, known as styles.

4. Battened, ledged, braced, and framed doors: This door consists of two styles, three ledgers, and two braces.
It is provided with braces which run diagonally between ledges, to increase the strength, durability, and for giving more good appearance of that door.

Second group is Based on the methods and manner of construction; doors can be classified into:
1. Framed and paneled doors: They consist of a framework of vertical members (styles) and horizontal ones (rails), which are grooved along inner edges of the frame to receive the panels.The panels are made of timber, plywood, iron sheets, or even glasses.

2. Glazed doors, or sash doors: These doors are provided where additional light is required to be admitted in the room through the door, or where it is required to look to the adjacent room from the interior. Such doors are commonly used in residential and public buildings, such as hospitals, schools, libraries,

3. Flush doors:They consist of solid skeleton covered on both sides with plywood, or veneers.
This skeleton is made by vertical members (styles), and rails to connect (join) those vertical members.

4. Louvered doors or Venetian doors: Louvered doors have louvers. They permit free ventilation through them, and at the same time, they maintain the privacy of the room.
These doors are used for latrines and bathrooms of residential and public buildings. These doors may either be louvered to the full height, or they may be partly louvered and partly paneled. Louvers are arranges at such an inclination that they permit the passage of air through them. Louvers may be fixed or movable.

Third group is Based on the working operations; doors can be classified into:
1. Revolving doors: These doors consist of a centrally placed mullion to which four radiating shutters are attached The mullion or vertical member is supported at the bottom; and its rotation is without any friction or noise. These doors allow the entrance of one person and exit of the other person at the same time Such doors are provided in public buildings such as libraries, museums, super markets, banks; where there are constant visitors.

2. Sliding doors: In this type of door, the shutter slides on the sides with the help of runners and guide rails. The door may have one sliding shutter, two shutters, or even three shutters; depending upon the size of the opening and the space available on sides for sliding.

3. Swing doors: A swing door has its leaf (shutter) attached to the frame by means of special double action spring hinge, so that the shutter can move both inward and outward. When the door is to be used; it has to be slightly pushed to make the action of spring. This door is always kept in closed position. The return of the shutter is with force.

4. Collapsible steel doors: The shutter operates between two iron rails of T-shape; one fixed to the floor, and other to the lintel. This door is provided with handles, locking arrangements, and stoppers.

5. Rolling steel shutter door: This door consists of a frame, a drum, and a shutter of thin steel plates (known as plates) inter-locked together. The frame has steel guides on the sides in which the shutter moves. It has a horizontal shaft and spring provided in the drum, which make possible to open and close the door by pushing or pulling.

6.Folding doors: This is a door made by many leaves (shutters) such that some leaves are supported on the neighboring leaves. It is as if those leaves become the frame for other leaves.


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