Investors Beware: China's factories are moving. But not to Mexico or Vietnam.

Описание к видео Investors Beware: China's factories are moving. But not to Mexico or Vietnam.

China fully intends to maintain dominance in manufacturing, supply chains, and logistics in virtually every manufactured product, and to do so on Chinese soil. True, they are opening a handful of factories in Vietnam and Mexico, but almost solely to take advantage of the tariff rules for entering the US market.

Their primary focus is the development of the vast, interior provinces of China. They will bring another nearly 300 million people from the Chinese countryside to newly-built urban areas within next 20 years. Labor-intensive and low-value-added industries have been moved out of coastal China, to locations inland.

The export sector in these newly opened areas is already booming. The 15 provinces of central China already produce more exports than Mexico, India, and Vietnam, and their growth is accelerating.

Several countries hope to challenge China for market share in these industries, which include textiles, furniture manufacturing, plastics, and countless others. Sober analysis of China's best-in-world logistics and monopolies in raw materials sourcing and processing leads experts to have severe doubts that other developing countries will compete effectively.

Investors hoping to profit from the nearshoring or friendshoring trends should be advised that it is mostly talk; few companies have moved supply chains out of China to take elsewhere. There isn't anywhere else to go.


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