Escort MAXcam 360c Review: Is This Radar Detector & Dash Cam Combo Worth The Money?

Описание к видео Escort MAXcam 360c Review: Is This Radar Detector & Dash Cam Combo Worth The Money?

The Escort #MAXcam360c combines an enhanced version of the MAX 360c #radardetector with a 1440p #dashcamera. As a two-in-one, tech-packed unit, the MAXcam 360c promises fewer false alerts with its updated IVT filters and increased situational awareness via directional alert arrows, all while providing higher-quality footage.

🚗Update 4-16-2024: The Drive Smarter app has been optimized and revised since we posted this video of the MAXcam 360c. We no longer have the issues mentioned in this video. Customer service reps from Escort have continued to work with us in a professional, timely, and courteous manner to resolve all concerns we have about the Drive Smarter app.

✅As of early 2024, all of the connection and crashing issues we had with Drive Smarter have been resolved, including minor glitches like how the speed limit in a given area might display as 74 mph on the app when it's actually 75 mph.

💡Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, Automoblog earns from qualifying purchases. Commissions from Amazon and other affiliate partners we work with, like Escort Radar, come to us at NO additional cost to you. Links we may earn a commission from are marked as "Paid" below. The MAXcam 360c seen here was sent to us by Escort Radar for this review.

👍 Get your Escort MAXcam 360c: ⬇️ (Paid Link via Amazon) (Paid Link via Escort Radar)

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RD Forum:

0:00 - Escort MAXcam 360c
0:20 - Dash Cam
0:45 - Radar Detector
1:13 - AutoLoK
1:33 - Escort Redline Comparison
1:57 - MAXcam 360c Drive Smarter App
2:37 - Escort Live App
2:47 - Is It Worth It?
3:09 - Helpful Links
3:30 - Bloopers

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