Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Jin Story Mode 4-X - Xiahou Ba's Journey (Ultimate)

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Jin Story Mode 4-X - Xiahou Ba's Journey (Ultimate)

This battle sort of sticks out for being an X battle when the whole thing is really more of a hypothetical. Xiahou Ba can THEORETICALLY escape and still keep you on the historical path but I literally had Guo Huai sit in a corner for 10 minutes and Xiahou Ba never got close to escaping. That'd have made for a boring video anyways, so I just played it proper even if Xiahou Ba sticking around doesn't really work with the narrative for historical.

Played as Guo Huai here, who is a mix of being generally good and leaving himself wide open. He can function from long range, deals good damage, and can heal himself with a grab musou but many of his attacks, especially his EX where he coughs, leaves him wide open for attacks. He can be made to work though and I personally like using him.


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