SENT AS WEAK | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (July 7, 2024) with Sign Language

Описание к видео SENT AS WEAK | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (July 7, 2024) with Sign Language

Today is the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; in the gospel, Saint Mark recounts a familiar scene where the townspeople of Jesus were astonished by his teaching and “mighty deeds.”

“Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” they asked while taking offense at him. And because of “their lack of faith,” Jesus was unable to “perform any mighty deed there.”

This scene shows how his townspeople perceived Jesus. They could not believe that one among them could preach with authority and whose hands could produce good works. Do we also feel the same towards people who are familiar with us? We also behold the mystery of the weakness and helplessness of Jesus, the one sent by the Father.

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The Word Exposed with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week. From the Vatican, produced by Jesuit Communications.

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