Winging it session 52 - Wet & wild

Описание к видео Winging it session 52 - Wet & wild

Session 52 was my wildest ride yet. The wind was consistently blowing over 35 knots with gusts of even crazier speeds.

The waves also added another tricky factor to todays session as unlike session 49 where the waves were all rolling in the same direction, todays waves were coming at me from all angles some of which were big enough to surf with a regular board.

Great fun trying to capture some of this wildness and I soon downsized my wing from a 4.5 to a 3.5 and it was still too much power to control. I need to learn to ride flagged out and hopefully this will help my turning abilities in the future. Not the best day for practicing anything except for staying on the board.

Some really cool camera angles which show just how much my legs are moving to stay moving and I have also realised that I seem to be better on my "switch stance" than my regular stance of left foot forward and is it because i am being too aggressive in my usual snowboard ninja stance.

Looking into borrowing or purchasing a new foil so any recommendations would be appreciated. At the moment I am looking at the Axis spit fire range but very $$$$$

As always thanks for watching and enjoy the show :)



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