WITNESS!!!... the 5 chariot list! But is it any good!?! - SOVL PVP with the Goatmen Raiders

Описание к видео WITNESS!!!... the 5 chariot list! But is it any good!?! - SOVL PVP with the Goatmen Raiders

Today we ride eternal on the highways of Valhalla as we take this 5 chariot goatmen list to the PVP ladder!

Disclaimer: if you haven't seen Fury Road this might not make much sense but also... what are you doing with your life? Honestly, that's just embarrassing.

0:00 The List
07:29 Match 1 vs Goatmen
09:59 Match 2 vs Lizards
12:39 Match 3 vs Greenskins
23:58 Match 4 vs Abyssal

Check out these other SOVL youtubers:
   / @filthycasual-h6g  
   / @totalfuzzylogic  
   / @oscilanders  

And the SOVL discord:
  / discord  


Goatmen Raiders - Warband(500pts)

Goatman Longhorn (Greatweapon) - 55pts
Raiding Chariot - 55pts

Battle Line:
12x Goatmen Warriors (Hand Weapon and Shield) - 84pts

Raiding Chariot - 55pts
Raiding Chariot - 55pts
Raiding Chariot - 55pts
Raiding Chariot - 55pts

Wild Beasts:
Feral Giant - 85pts

Total: 499pts


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