Texas Salsa Congress Ricardo & Vivana 2010

Описание к видео Texas Salsa Congress Ricardo & Vivana 2010

The Texas Salsa Congress 2010 once again brought amazing talent from around the world. Here you have Ricardo & Viviana from Cali, Colombia!!

It started as an idea between friends, bringing a congress to Texas where at the time Texas had no active congress in the entire state. A congress that would showcase Texas Salsa talent, bring awareness of salsa to the community and raise money for scholarships. Together David Melendez and Ruby Rivera worked hard and in January 2004, the Texas Salsa Congress was born.

Since 2004 the TSC has strived to bring you a congress worthing of being called the Texas Salsa Congress. This upcoming year will be no exception! Stay tuned as we provide you details for 2011!

Make sure you come to the Texas Salsa Congress-March 11-13, 2011!! Let the Lone Star State be Your Host!!


2011 is our LUCKY 7 w/Guest Artist Roberto Roena!!


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