Bluey's Shocking Dark Side (and What it Teaches You)

Описание к видео Bluey's Shocking Dark Side (and What it Teaches You)

If you never thought you'd see the day when you'd hear Bluey and Carl Jung in the same sentence... same! But Bluey happens to tackle the complex (and sometimes dark) theories and beliefs of the Swiss psychologist and explains them in a way that a child could understand :)

In the section on Synchronicity, we mentioned our Stoic video! It's a game-changer — linking it below:    • 7 Stoic Lessons from Bluey to Transfo...  

And while you're here, find out why Bluey is the best therapist you'll ever have:
   • Why Bluey is the Best Therapist You’l...  

Thanks for watching!

#carljung #bluey #blueyrecap #selfhelp #motivation #shadowself #psychology #jungianpsychology #inspiration


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