HEAVEN’S A LOCAL CALL | Gimmel Tammuz | Rabbi Moishe New

Описание к видео HEAVEN’S A LOCAL CALL | Gimmel Tammuz | Rabbi Moishe New

Why we shouldn’t appeal to angels, but rather to the righteous.

The shiur addresses the following questions (amongst others):

Surely, asking a blessing from a Rebbe is expressing the notion that the Tzaddik is in some way an intermediate between one and Hashem?! But this is forbidden! Hashem is the only reality and we all have a direct connection!

And to ask Hashem to bless us in the merit of the Tzaddik is surely equally preposterous. Our relationship with G-d is real and personal. If we are deserving of His blessing we will receive it. Indeed, Hashem is merciful, so that He blesses even if we are undeserving. But to blessed because of someone else’s merit is neither justice nor an expression of Hashem’s love for each individual?!


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