Psychotronic - BUY IT // REBOOT

Описание к видео Psychotronic - BUY IT // REBOOT


Buy it - then buy some more.
Notifications - can't ignore.
The newest thing - gotta have it.
Distracting you in traffic.
Online. On time. All mine. Just fine.
Downloading the update.
Unlock it with your face.
Where we going today?
Refresh. Button press. What's next? Phone sex.
More likes. More shares. Which one should I wear?
Unfollowed - not fair. How can I compare?
Just scroll. Eyes roll. That's old. Brain folds.
Tangled up in wires.
Robots getting hired.
Never getting tired.
Advertisement flyers.

(Repeat verse w/ layered vocals)

Buy it - then buy some more. Notifications - can't ignore.
Buy it - then buy some more. Notifications - can't ignore.
All mine. Just fine. All mine. Just fine.
Buy it - then buy some more. Buy it - then buy some more.
Buy it - then buy some more. Notifications - can't ignore.
The newest thing - gotta have it.
Distracting you in traffic.
Online. On time. All mine. Just fine.
Buy it - then buy some more. Buy it - then buy some more.

Just buy it and buy some more.
Refresh. Button press. What's next? Phone sex.
More likes. More shares. Which one should I wear?
Just buy it and buy some more.
Just buy it and buy some more.

Buy it - then buy some more.

This song is off of my album "REBOOT" which you can find on all major streaming platforms. Thank you for listening.
Spotify Link:
Apple Music Link:   / reboot  
Check out all the other cool stuff we do. We play games, do podcast, and have all sorts of other music. Really, check it out.


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