Remedy for the Hearts (9) - Virtues of Istighfar and Its Various Formulas

Описание к видео Remedy for the Hearts (9) - Virtues of Istighfar and Its Various Formulas

Before commenting on the last section of Habib Ahmad bin Zayn al-Habashi’s book 'Remedy for the Hearts,' Ustadh Amjad Tarsin notes that the Summer Retreat 2020 is ending on a blessed day, the last Jumu’a the Hijri year. Scholars and the righteous ask for forgiveness and the acceptance of good deeds at the conclusion of something.

Ustadh Amjad then turns to the final chapter of Habib Ahmad’s book, which discusses the virtues and benefits of seeking forgiveness, based on numerous verses in the Quran, and which provides a comprehensive list of powerful supplications asking for forgiveness, including the preeminent formula Sayyid al-Istighfar, the topic of this work. Ustadh Amjad mentions over ten supplications, noting when they should be recited and the particular benefit gained by their recitation.


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