Sorted Books | Nina Katchadourian | The Art Assignment

Описание к видео Sorted Books | Nina Katchadourian | The Art Assignment

Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here:

We meet Brooklyn-based artist Nina Katchadourian in Lawrence, Kansas, at the former home of American writer William S. Burroughs (1914 - 1997). Nina takes us on her journey of sorting Burroughs's book collection and challenges you to sort some books yourself!

1. Choose a person you know or would like to know better
2. Take a look at/through their library
3. Make 3 stacks of books to develop a portrait of the person
4. Upload it to your social media platform of choice using #theartassignment
5. Fame and glory (your work might be featured in a future episode)

Find out more about The Art Assignment and how to submit your response:


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