The New Year New Me Book Tag 🥳🎉

Описание к видео The New Year New Me Book Tag 🥳🎉

Hello Booktube! I thought this tag, created by Kevin Towle Reads ‪@kevintowle9665‬ , was super fun and thought I'd give it a go. You can see Kevin's video here:
   • The New Year New Me Book Tag (Original)  
I'd love to hear your answers to these questions, so feel free to share them in the Comments section! Or do the tag yourself! As always, if you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment, you can leave an emoji or give this video a thumbs up!

1. (Fears) What is one book from your 2025 reading goals that scares you?
2. (Patience) What is the one book on your 2025 reading goals you want to start immediately?
3. (Growth) What book last year pushed you to reflect and/or grow as a reader?
4. (New Paths) What is one author you plan to try for the first time in 2025?
5. (Self Care) What is one book and/or series you revisit for comfort?
6. (Forging Ahead) What is you favorite debut book or first book in a series you read last year?
7. (Goals) Do you have a specific reading goal or challenge for the year ahead?
8. (Breaking Walls) ***Bonus - Do you have a none book-related goal for 2025 you wish to share?
9. (Teamwork) Tag Others:

I tag:

Videos mentioned:
Robinson Readalong Announcement:    • Announcement: Robinson Readalong in 2025  
Booktube and Reading Goals for 2025!:    • Reading and Booktube Goals for 2025!  
The Year of Lear Book Review:    • Reading and Booktube Goals for 2025!  

Thanks to the many people who comment on and support this channel in many different ways!
Connect with me:
Goodreads:   / books-i-m-not-reading  
Instagram:   / booksimnotreading  
Bonus videos are available for anyone to watch!
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#booktube #tag #newyear


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