Nepali Tourists in China I Beijing I Shanghai I Trip A Deal

Описание к видео Nepali Tourists in China I Beijing I Shanghai I Trip A Deal

China is a tourist destination. With its sprawling cities, cultural heritage, and unforgettable natural landscape, China offers a diverse experience for travellers from around the world.

Up to 60 million international visitors travel to China every year. Due to the pandemic, the number of visitors decreased in 2020 and has been slowly recovering with 35.5 million visitors to China in 2023. 62.9 million international visitors came to China in 2018 and 65.73 million in 2019.

Since joining the International Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1985, China has 59 World Heritage Sites to date; of these 40 are cultural heritage sites, 15 are natural heritage sites, and 4 are cultural and natural (mixed) sites, ranking second in the world.

We are trying to show as much as possible, but avoiding parts of previous videos from our China Trip.

Previous videos from our China Trip:'
The Grand Canal of China I UNESCO Heritage I The world-famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
   • The Grand Canal of China I UNESCO Her...  

Era 2 - Spirit of Shanghai I ERA: Intersection of Time I Chinese Acrobat I Part 1
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Duty changing process in Forbidden City China I Handing over of a guard duty process in Beijing
   • Duty changing process in Forbidden Ci...  


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