The Venetian Mask Maker | Walks of Italy

Описание к видео The Venetian Mask Maker | Walks of Italy

It's often said that Venice is a city that always keeps something hidden, no matter how many times you see it. No Venetian tradition exemplifies this mysterious quality quite as well as the wearing of ornate masques around the time of Carnevale. In this city of artisans the traditional mask makers are still among the most respected of craftsmen. Meet one of the greats as Walks of Italy takes you inside his workshop for a look at his life and his art. #TakeWalks around the city, take in the sights, the colors, the costumes, and perhaps you'll even get to peer at Venice from behind the mask yourself!

Walks of Italy offers part-day and full-day walking tours to the finest sites in Italy in the company of passionate, expert guides. Follow us on social media for pictures, videos and helpful travel blogs to feed your interest in Italy, and don't forget to #takewalks

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We also offer tours in Turkey and New York!

Special thanks to Sergio Sboldrin
Directed & Edited by Cosimo del Balzo
Music: Sweetwaveaudio - Summer Breeze (walks of Italy remix)


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