ideal reality shift /powerpoof.wav

Описание к видео ideal reality shift /powerpoof.wav

╰━━彡♡ right click » loop

⁄⁄⁄⁄ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ᴇxɪsᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴘɪʀᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ.
“a subliminal for aligning all universal energies within and without yourself to your agenda.”

╔═┈┈┈*•̩̩͙✧・゚: *༻♔༺✧・゚:•̩̩͙*┈┈┈═╗

・ this is everything you could ever need jam-packed into one powerful little thing. the below summary is an extremely basic summary of its contents. this pushes every aspect of your life and yourself to be identical to your ideal reality.
・ you don't have to finish the whole thing! I just made the vid long to capture the constantly changing rain sounds so it's more natural and relaxing for sleep & meditation. you don't have to start from the beginning every time either - wherever you stop, youtube will save your spot and you can pick up where you left off. ♥ ^ u ^ b
・ this is a panned version - if you're listening with one earbud only, click this link!
♥    • powerpoof.wav /unpanned   ♥
・ notes in pinned comment (desc. too long) ♡


・ * ✧༓ ☾ 𝒓 𝒆 𝒎 𝒆 𝒎 𝒃 𝒆 𝒓 ☽ /you/ are the catalyst. /you/ are the one that creates change, you are the creator. without you, there is nothing - nothing changes, nothing is created. change & reality come from yourself. feel your ideal reality as if you are already there, because you are - just a change of mind away. indulge yourself in how happy you are in your ideal reality and engulf yourself in everything you see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. enjoy yourself during the last few moments as you are now.

* summary is not necessarily the literal quotes in affirmations

sᴜᴘᴇʀ ʙᴀsɪᴄ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ_
— ♡ the universe conspires with me.pckg
& is the absolute embodiment of my ideal reality; all higher entities including my higher self, spirits, guides, and universal energies heed my call and align with me. the universe bears my fruit.

— ♡ sync.pckg
everyone + everything that's ever existed in all timelines and dimensions aligns with and embodies my ideal reality.
intense all-encompassing reprogramming of consciousness + subconscious wiring to your ideal reality and ideal self & consciousness in every aspect possible, including: life timeline (past, present, future), personality, memories, knowledge, talents, skills, mindset, perception, thought patterns, habits, aura, sexuality, DNA, appearance, voice, other physical aspects, relationships, family, birthdate, astrological placements (zodiac signs), + lots more.
vibrational frequency tuning.

— ♡ i own my life.pckg
I am who i decide to be. I determine my own fate. complete, absolute alignment and embodiment of my ideal reality and personality in all aspects of myself and my life; shift in the way I decide; complete control and destiny manipulation; I decide my own rules; I can literally do anything.

— ♡ brainf^ck!.pckg
all I breathe, think, hear, feel, see, envision, sense, experience is my ideal reality and ideal self. +forced affs for completely behaving as & feeling your ideal self, consciousness, & reality.
ideal memories: allowance of altered memories, memory glitches, consciousness glitches; ownership of ideal memories and experiences; forgotten/erased/removal of decided memories.

— ♡ perfection.pckg
my subconscious fills in all details of my ideal reality I haven't consciously thought of with perfect ideals; everything in my ideal reality is absolute perfection & better than I ever thought it could be. every part of my reality is already ideal.

— ♡ visualization bomb
super easy, everlasting, all-consuming & all-sensory-inclusive, extremely vivid and detailed visualization & visions + ability and talent; continuous visions and visualizations of ideal reality, self, personality, and consciousness all the time and right now. perfect, ideal details about my ideal reality come pouring to me. absolute connection and complete direct shift to ideal reality through my visualizations.

— ♡ dreamwave.pckg
I dream with extremely vivid, all-consuming, tangible detail, extremely heightened senses and full conscious awareness. I'm a master lucid and conscious dreamer; always know I am dreaming; am always calm in my dreams; have full control over every aspect of my dreams with extraordinary talent for manifestation of any intention including dream event creation and shifting while asleep & dreaming; remember every single detail of all my dreams. I enjoy all my dreams.
I am forced to shift to/manifest my ideal everything every time I sleep; all my dreams are portals, entrances, & doors - metaphorically and physically - to my ideal reality (and I am forced to enter them); permanent frequency match to ideal reality, self, consciousness + more during sleep and dreams; shift while asleep, wake up in ideal reality.
dream and daydream direction & connection to ideal reality.

— ♡ ﴾ the catalyst ﴿ v.2.0
thought direction & emotion attachment: helps you direct your thoughts and emotions (esp detachment & excitement) to your intention & ideal consciousness.

+cont. in the pinned comment


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