Southwestern Advantage Book Review pre-k - 2nd.

Описание к видео Southwestern Advantage Book Review pre-k - 2nd.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate :D

Southwestern Advantage is a Christian education publishing company* that offers a lovely set of books for young children (pre-k - 2nd grade) with secular and science-based content. I purchased this set for my son when he was 1 knowing we would use it later. It is expensive and worth it, but you can probably get it used if budget is a concern. This is not a complete curriculum, it is supplemental material for public, private, or homeschool students.

*Please note that you should look into their labor practices before deciding to do business with them. My review only relates to the content of their books.

(pre-k & K) My Book of (Shapes, Colors, Numbers, Words) is a series of 4 brightly colored books for very young children. We used these regularly for many years and the wear shows.
(pre-k - 2nd) My Fun With Words is an informal dictionary with 2 volumes. I find it problematic from a secular perspective; there are multiple inaccuracies and social issues. There are no overt references to religion, but there is conservative American Christian doctrine in spades. Read it ahead and decide if the content aligns with your family values or not. My husband has strong negative opinions about this dictionary; we bought a children's Webster dictionary instead.
(pre-k - 2nd) Ask Me is a wonderful collection of books and well worth the money. We still use them regularly. There are a few minor mistakes in the text, but nothing that can't be easily corrected. All of the books are science based and have secular content. I appreciate the global approach with non-European cultures, and myths and legends are presented with equal weight and validity. These books are Christian-compatible, Young Earth Creationists being an exception.
Explore and Learn series has more technical information than Ask Me with more involved projects and experiments geared towards 1st & 2nd graders. We love this series and have often incorporated it into our lesson plans and enrichment activities. Please note we have not made it through all of these books yet, so I cannot vouch for all of the content in detail.

Southwest Advantage also offers Homer Reading and Skwids, which we did not buy due to internet connection issues.

Overall we like the books, and have found them worth the price. Having said that, the company & content is not completely without issues which you should take into consideration.

This is not a sponsored video, this is just me talking about the materials we have used in my son's education.


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