GIANT NEIGHBOR Tries To Destroy The Town!!! | Hello Neighbor (Beta 3)

Описание к видео GIANT NEIGHBOR Tries To Destroy The Town!!! | Hello Neighbor (Beta 3)

Low gravity, giant battles, neighbor vs neighbor fighting….today we are going to save the town!!!

What’s up MA DUDES!!!! How is it going today? Today we are going to be playing Hello Neighbor Beta 3. This game is full of hidden secrets and puzzles and normally people just try to find all of these things out and find all of the items but we play the game way differently here! Today we are going to mess around and see what we can do with making the neighbor giant, making the neighbor small, making the neighbor upside down, making us giant, changing the gravity in hello neighbor and so much more! We are messing around and having loads of fun because we can change so much about the game. Hello Neighbor is awesome and instead of doing the normal game we are just going to play it in this new way and have some fun. Maybe we can make the neighbor a super hero, and fight him as he grows in our map! Join me as we go on this crazy adventure into hello neighbor! Enjoy.

  / dakblake  

Twitch:   / dakblake  


Become MA DUDE:

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Ending: Back Again by Lemmino


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