222: Shaping the Future of the Dental Industry with Rune Fisker and 3Shape

Описание к видео 222: Shaping the Future of the Dental Industry with Rune Fisker and 3Shape

DONATE to Barb Warner or Team Voices From the Bench for the Race For the Future 8.0 (https://fdlt.memberclicks.net/donor-f...)

Participate or cheer the racers at the Race For the Future 8.0 - August 28th - Chicago (https://dentallabfoundation.org/news-...)

Come to the FIRST and FREE Education Day - August 27th - Chicago (https://dentallabfoundation.org/educa...)

Most labs have 3shape (https://www.3shape.com/) running a majority of their digital workflow. Do you know the history of 3shape? Do you know why 3shape does what it does? Rune Fisker comes on the podcast to tell us that and so much more. Rune was the very first employee of 3shape after the two founders stated the company, so he knows his stuff. Rune talks about the history and timeline of 3 shape, what and who has helped shape the company to what it is now, getting into intraoral scanners, and what 3shape is working on next that Rune feels are the hot trends in dentistry.

Whip Mix (https://www.whipmix.com/) introduces VeriGuide OS (https://www.whipmix.com/products/veri...) , a Class I, CE certified resin material developed for the production of high precision surgical guides for use in dental implant surgery. The new material is formulated for 3D-printing systems (DLP, SLA, and LCD) at both 385 nm and 405 nm.

VeriGuide OS™ has been successfully tested for biocompatibility and meets all mechanical properties requirements. The resin features an easy post-processing method and produces highly accurate surgical guides with a high-quality surface.

Sleeves may be inserted directly after printing with excellent fit. The material can also be sterilized by autoclave, steam, ethylene oxide, or gamma rays without affecting dimensional stability, physical properties, and biocompatibility.

For more information about VeriGUIDE OS, visit whipmix.com or call (800) 626-5651.

The fastest growing product at Gro3X (https://www.gro3x.com/) are the Gro3X Aligners. Gro3X Aligners are only available from Gro3X Aligner certified labs: Why? Because they believe in the synergies that are being created between you, the dental office, and your lab. And they want to further leverage these synergies. Their aligners are used as a pre-treatment to a larger restorative esthetic case, to widen gaps prior to placing implants, to close a diastema, ease crowding, and simply enhance your patient’s smiles. Even for your Essix retainer needs your Gro3X aligner certified lab can help. Look for a Gro3X Aligner certified lab near you, such as Castle Dental Lab (http://www.castlelab.com/) in San Antonio, TX (ask for Blaine), AMK Dental Lab (https://www.amkdentallaboratory.com/) in O’Neill, NE (ask for Anne), Staggs Dental Lab (  / staggsdental  ) in McCoole Maryland (ask for Derrick), AA Dental Design (https://www.aadentaldesign.com/) in Murrieta, CA (ask for Frankie), and many, many more… For a complete listing of Gro3X Aligner Certified Labs go to www.gro3x.com (http://www.gro3x.com)

Special Guest: Rune Fisker.


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