113 - Trader Throwing Out Dead Parrot From Cage And Parrot Flying Away - Saying Goodbye And Advicing

Описание к видео 113 - Trader Throwing Out Dead Parrot From Cage And Parrot Flying Away - Saying Goodbye And Advicing

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Credit- https://archive.org/details/@wisdom_a...

Maulana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi and more popularly in the English-speaking world simply as Rumi (1207-1273 A.D.), was a 13th-century Persian Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi saint. Rumi died in Qonia which is in present day Turkey where his tomb is still thronged by admirers from all over the world. Rumi had been immensely popular in Asia and have now become, since around 1998 A.D., the best selling poet in America. Rumi's importance is considered to transcend national and ethnic borders and he is today a truly international phenomena. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats. Rumi's family hailed from Balkh in present day Afghanistan that eventually settled in present day Turkey. Rumi was initially a religious scholar and theologian (a Hanafi Mufti/jurist) who underwent a great spiritual transformation at the hands of a wandering Muslim saint named as Shaykh Shams Tabraizi who received a Divinely inspired spiritual intuition to go to Rumi and be a catalyst of Rumi's spiritual transformation into intimacy with the Divine. As a result of this profound transformation, Rumi became the "Qutub al-Muhabba" or the "Pole of Divine Love". His greatest book is "Mathnavi" (complete name "Mathnavi-e-Ma'navi" or "Couplets with Deep Inner Meanings") which is a 6 volume collection of spiritual poetry in Persian (with Arabic verses widely dispersed in it) imbued with Divine love which by his own admission was Divinely inspired. Mathnavi is the world famous collection of mystical/spiritual poetry steeped in Divine love and gnosis. The themes in Mathnavi are directly inspired by Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). These themes are beautifully explained in parables and stories in a heart-warming way. This deep connection has led some commentators to declare Mathnavi as the "Quran in Persian" (hast quran dar zaban-e-Pehlavi). Mathnavi, despite being a poetic collection, is the foremost book on spirituality of the entire human history inculcating deep insights and inner/spiritual transformations in all seekers of truth and imbuing them with the Divine love that offshoots into the love for humanity. Mathnavi starts with the story of the pain and suffering of the soul in this world that is attributed to being cut off from its origin. The rest of the Mathnavi is an elucidation and illumination of the undertakings the soul must take to get back to its origin to find rest, comfort, tranquillity, the real inner peace and eternal bliss. This elucidation which is unique to Rumi, lays bare all aspects of spirituality that finds resonance with all human beings irrespective of race, religion, and nationality. This is the reason behind Mathnavi's immense popularity all over the world today immortalizing the man and his message making it a beacon of light for humanity for all times to come.

The work presented here is an audio book conversion of the Urdu language translation and explanation of Mathnavi in 6 volumes by a contemporary Indian scholar Qazi Sajjad Hussain


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