Blessings In Troubles - Pastor David Morley - 01/09/24

Описание к видео Blessings In Troubles - Pastor David Morley - 01/09/24

Pastor David brought an inspiring and edifying message from Romans 8:18 this week...

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

If we look at the cross in the natural eye, it would appear, and give the impression, that Satan had got Jesus Christ exactly where he wanted Him to be. But what took place in the unseen realm could only have originated in the divine plan of God. That through the death of Jesus Christ, that He actually conquered death and sin, and totally annihilated Satan's kingdom. What looked like total defeat and the end of all hope, was actually the greatest victory the world has ever known.

What looked to be Satan's plan for the complete demise of the Lord Jesus Christ, was actually the plan and design of Father, and planned by Him before the very foundations of the world.

So, if we are just to look at the things we're going through, the troubles, trials and difficulties, on the surface, is a mistake or spiritual error, because behind the scenes, there can be different things taking place. It's quite possible, that God is creating the most amazing work in our lives, in the midst of what we consider tragedies, hardships and difficulties. God is at work in our lives. There is a beauty and grace that shines through when we go through those things.

We need to be ones that stop to consider that God may be at work in our lives through the troubles.

We have a tendency to blame the devil and this then shifts our focus onto the negative, on to the problems and on to the enemy at work. Instead our focus should be on the Lord and seeing His goodness, His grace and His blessings that shine through those things.

Let us keep our eyes and focus set on Jesus, no matter what we're going through.

Thank You Lord!

Be blessed, be encouraged and be edified everyone!

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